Success story

Halkbank Traveler Project

Halkbank has chosen Airwatch as the solution to help Mobile Device Management in the Traveler Project, which was launched to establish a manageable and secure infrastructure to meet Halkbank’s and its subsidiaries’ need to access business applications (i.e. e-mail, internal network portal access, internal mobile applications etc.) via mobile systems. IHS Technology provided deep-level support during the project integration process. Throughout the product selection process, where we decided on the Mobile Device Management (MDM) product for our project, we had the opportunity to get to know a great number of products and companies.

As smart phones and tablets have become widespread, employees have begun to use them for both existing and new business applications, thus improving process efficiency. Designed primarily as communication and entertainment devices for consumers, smart phones and tablets have entered many aspects of life, including business. Therefore, management and security solutions for mobile devices have quickly reached maturity for corporate use. In parallel with advances in mobile device management solutions, the Traveler Project was launched to establish a centralized management platform, in line with corporate policies, that ensures the security of corporate data, as the use of mobile devices, including personally owned smart phones and tablets, become widespread.

Considering the question of whether or not most of the products today can meet the current and rapidly changing needs of organizations, and companies’ approach to the product purchasing process, we are pleased to note that we have made the right choice of product and integrator company. Airwatch is a leading company in the sector, which constantly adapts itself to the changing world, evolves by bringing new features to its application, and sets technology standards on the mobile platform. Airwatch MDM solution runs in full integration with existing components of the architecture, meeting all our business needs, while also boosting its added value.

Its integration with our data leakage prevention (DLP) system has enabled us to monitor e-mail traffic on mobile devices, in line with the organization’s applicable policies. Integrated with the corporate certificate server, the solution automatically distributes certificates to users and allows us to create a stronger authentication infrastructure that is also easier to manage. Integration with the bank’s MS Active Directory platform helped us use user groups defined in MS AD both for the authorization of administrative roles and for the enforcement of policies.

We believe that the choice of integrator company to support us with the project is as important as the choice of the product. IHS Technology has provided constant support by answering all questions, solving problems, and reporting all work daily throughout the project, and added great value by ensuring the rapid and healthy progress of the project through powerful communication.

As Mobile Device Management projects not only require technical solutions and system administration, it is crucial that the application is accepted by the user, and also that the user is supported with all issues and questions. One of the most important parts of the project is to provide support for thousands of users in the field, and to ensure that all modules of the infrastructure work seamlessly. Therefore, we would like to thank Mr. Cenk Niksarlı who actively provided administrative support from beginning to end, and made this project into a success story. We would also like to thank project owner Ms. Ayşim Niksarlı, project coordinator Mr. Mehmet Hakan Tercan, project architect Erdinç Balcı, integrator company IHS Technology and their experts, our organization’s Help Desk, the Electronic Communication System Unit and everyone who contributed to this project.